Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Strategic Planning Workshop at Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal

On 19th May 2018, the  HinduVidyadayinne Sangha Surathkal, which manages host of institutions like Vidyadayanee Primary School, Venkataramana Primary School, Vidyadayani High School, Govinda Dasa Pre-University College, Govinda Dasa College and Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research embarked on an ambitious strategic planning process, seeking the best ideas to shape the future of its institutions. Strategic Planning Team comprising heads of all institutions served as the steering committee for this effort.
Dr. Murali, the proud alumni of Govinda Dasa Institutions and the present Head, HR-Toyota Boshoku Automotive India coordinated and gave directions to the team. Earlier Dr. Murali served as Vice President – Human Resource, M/S Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd, Head, Human Resources at Tyco Electronics, Manager, HR at Reliance Industries, Faculty Member of Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal.
Due to starting of many Government Colleges, lack of interest on Kannada Medium Schools, failure of arts courses in attracting the students, increasing costs of higher education, there is heightened focus on the value education and capacities and opportunities with which our institutions can focus, institutions managed by HV Sangha must respond strategically to a number of challenges, including change imperatives, global competition, demographic shifts in college-going populations, growing economic pressure, technological changes, change of mind set of faculty and Management, the Management requested with Dr. Murali to initiate this seamless transition throughout the year.
Dr. Murali initially provided inputs to Management Team, the President of the HV Sangha, Mr. Janardhan was instrumental for this imperatives, later head of the different institutions on “Redefining Governance”, “Operational Management” and finally to deliver “Quality of Education”. He also dwelt in detail the charter of Strategic Planning Team, How do we action this, Hoshin Kanri, “5 why”, Project approach and the deliverables, Time Line and Duration- the approximate date of completion, Key Success Factors. The principal of the College Dr. Muralidhar Rao thanked the participants and Mr. Murali for the direction and setting the objective in momentum. Dr. Murali will visit the College on every month and see that the process will move towards the goal. Mr. Venkat Rao, the Secretary of HV Sangha introduced Dr. Murali to the heads of the Institutions. 

Friday, 4 May 2018

Farewell for M.Com Final Year Batch at Department of Graduate Studies of Govida Dasa College

It was a day of celebration, it was a day of telling gratitude, it was a day of expressing gratitude, the First Year M.Com and M.Sc students bus farewell function to the Final Year students at the Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce and the students of M.Sc in Chemistry. Initially, a formal function was organised, in which the Principal of Govinda Dasa College, Dr. Muralidhar Rao thanked the Post Graduate Students for the sincerity, commitment and dedication towards their work. He explained in detail the necessity of higher education and it's utility in enhancing the employability of present generation. Later, Prof. Krishnamurthy, the Vice Principal of the College appreciated the students for their contribution in the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Govinda Dasa College. He reiterated the uniqueness of both Commerce and Chemistry Departments of the College and wished the outgoing students best future.

Dr. Sureshramana Mayya, the Director of Post Graduate Centre dwelt in detail the Govinda Dasa PG Centre advantages. He said that those who are lucky join here. He expressed that, “Whatever you are today, because, you have taught to be so, hence you will become what you wish to be”. He also explained the role of attitudes in shaping our life. He appreciated the whole hearted cooperation of all the Final Year students on the accomplishments of goals.

Ms. Daya Madam, who taught Economics to them expressed her nice sentiments. Ms. Harsha Rani, Ms. Ashwitha, faculty from the Post Graduate Department of Commerce also spoke on this occasion. Mr. Sajan, Senior Faculty of the Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Commerce thanked the students for their unique teamwork and hardwork. He appreciated then for their involvement in Lakshya.

Senior Faculty from Chemistry Department, Dr. Karthik and Mr. Sharath appreciated the students. Later many Final year M.Com students and Final Year M.Sc students spoke on this occasion thanked the concern and care of faculty, especially Prof. Ramesh Kulai and all faculty's of the Department.

Dr.Mayya, the Director of the Centre awarded various prizes to the students for their success in sports events conducted. He also declared the best Project Award instituted by Prof. Ramesh Kulai. Miss. Apsana of Final Year M.Com bagged the First Prize for her Project titled, Financial Literacy among Rural Women -A Study of Mangalore Taluk. Miss Rashmi of Final Year got Second Prize for her Project titled,”Implications and Effects of of GST on Entrepreneurs -A Sudy of Mangalore Locality”.
During afternoon, the First Year M.Com students conducted various games to the Final Year M.Com and Final Year M.Sc students which was unique and well thought-out and appreciated by all. Mr. Shailraj provided all the logistics support for the programme.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Namratha publishes a Small episode in Vijayavani

Dr. Namratha,  a Faculty from the Department of Chemistry Post Graduate Department  published a small experiential note in the Vijaya Vani. The following is the extract of the article. 

Academic Audit at Govinda Dasa College and PG Centre, Surathkal

A programme on Academic Audit was held in Audio Visual Hall of Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal on 13th April 2018. The IQAC organised this programme with an intention to have self-reflection, collaboration, teamwork and peer feedback. Accordingly, an opportunity to have structured conversations among faculty, stakeholders was held and all focused on a common goal to improve quality processes in teaching and learning and thus enhance student success. 
The programme commenced at 10 am with the welcome and introduction of the programme by Dr. Shiva Shankar Bhat, Head of the Department of Economics and the Coordinator of IQAC of the College. Later Principal of Govinda Dasa College spoke about quality, its imperatives, the importance of team work towards the accomplishment of quality and responsibility of faculty.
Later, Dr. Sureshramana Mayya explained in detail the digital initiatives undertaken by the college as per instruction from Principal and Management of the College. He informed the change of suffix of web address of Govinda Dasa College as instead of and the benefits of this change. He also informed the implementation of G Suite at Govinda Dasa College, its uses to move towards quality, its benefits to faculty. He also explained the utility of having domain name based email address and appealed to faculty to use their domain name based email address and google classroom. He dwelt in detail about the various applications provided along with G Suite such as , GDrive, Site, Hangout, Photos, gmail, maps, news and all other applications, that too without any space constraints. He explained that more than 70 million persons have been using gsuite applications worldwide. He also appealed to download classroom aps, so that our student can use it in the classroom.
Later, the Management team of the College joined the discussion. Sri E. Janardhana, President of Trust, Sri M. Venkat Rao, Secretary of the Trust, Sri Madhusoodhana Rao, Director of the Administration, Prof. K. Rajmohan Rao, Member of the Member of Hindu Vidyadayinee Sangha and Former Principal, Prof. Y. V. Ratnakar Rao, Former Principal, Prof. Ramesh Kulai, Coordinator of M.Com and Former HOD of Govinda Dasa College, Prof. Anantha Padmanabha Rao, Former Professor of SVS College, Bantwal,  and all faculties of Govinda Dasa College and Post Graduate Centre attended the programme.
The President of the Trust initiated discussion on issues like having a short term and long term vision, sustaining the college during the changed circumstances, to overcome the competition by  other colleges, how to maintain quality and commitment among faculty. He called the Director of Post Graduate Centre to present his views on starting of new Post Graduate Courses and the associated problems. Later, Prof. Krishnamurthi requested the management to maintain the status quo regarding some courses. There were discussions on viability and non-viability of certain arts courses, etc. Principal of the College made his remarks and appreciated the Management and Faculty for contributing their best for the development of  Govinda Dasa College. Sri Madhusoodhan Rao, the Director, Administration proposed a vote of thanks. Later the Management offered fitting lunch to all the participants.

Strategic Planning Workshop at Govinda Dasa College, Surathkal

On 19 th May 2018, the   Hindu Vidyadayinne  Sangha Surathkal , which manages host of institutions like Vidyadayanee Primary School, Ven...